Delong Chen

Delong Chen (陈德龙) is a PhD student at HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Pascale Fung, and an incomming visiting researcher at Meta Fundamentl AI Research (FAIR) in Paris. He received the B.Eng degree of computer science in 2021 from Hohai University, where he was advised by Prof. Fan Liu. He is working on multimodal (vision-language) learning.

He received Best Demo award at IEEE ICME'21, Best Dataset Paper at LTDL@IJCAI'21, and Best Paper in AAAI'23 Inaugural Summer Symposium Series. His Bachelor thesis won First Class Outstanding Thesis of Jiangsu Province. He served as a reviewer for NeurIPS'24, ACL ARR (ACL'24, EMNLP'24), ACM Multimedia'23/24, ACM TIST, IEEE TITS, Artificial Intelligence Review, etc, and volunteered at AAAI-24 and ACL'24.


Vision-language Learning

Large Language Models

Few-shot Visual Recognition

Music-Driven Conducting Motion Generation

* Joint First Authors / Equal Contribution
✉ Corresponding Authors


  • 2023-06. Best Paper
    at AAAI 2023 Inaugural Summer Symposium Series - AI x Metaverse
  • 2022-06. 江苏省优秀本科毕业论文一等奖
    First Class Outstanding Graduation Thesis of Jiangsu Province
  • 2021-08. Best Dataset Paper
    at Long-Tailed Distribution Learning Workshop, IJCAI 2021
  • 2021-07. Best Demo
    at IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021
  • 2021-07. Best Presentation Winner
    at 2021 4th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • 2021-06. 河海大学2021届本科优秀毕业设计
    Outstanding Graduation Thesis of Hohai University in 2021
  • 2021-06. 河海大学2021届本科“优秀毕业生”荣誉称号
    Excellent Graduate Student of Hohai University (highest honor)
  • 2021-04. 2020江苏省大学生网络文化节校园歌曲作品征集一等奖
    First Prize in 2020 Campus Music Competition of Jiangsu Province
  • 2020-05. “江苏省优秀共青团员”称号
    Excellent Communist Youth League Member of Jiangsu Province
  • 2020-10. “2019江苏省大学生年度人物”提名奖
    Nomination Award for the Person of the Year in Jiangsu Province in 2019
  • 2020-04. 2020年河海大学“海韵风华大学生年度人物”称号
    Hohai University 2019 Undergraduate Person of the Year
  • 2019-06. 第八届“中国软件杯”大学生软件设计大赛华东分赛区决赛三等奖 (团队负责人)
    Third Prize of The 8th China Software Cup, East China Division Finals
  • 2017-10. 河海大学计算机与信息学院2017年新生杯辩论赛“最佳辩手”
    Best Debater in the 2017 Freshman Cup Debate Competition at Hohai University

Music 🎻

Delong is passionate about music!
He was awarded a violin performance diploma from the Central Conservatory of Music (中央音乐学院).
He served as the concertmaster of the Hohai University Symphony Orchestra during 2019-2020.
He is also at with 20k+ followers.

Internationale ☭

Internationale ☭

Piano: Qiwen Zhang (张启文). Violin: Delong Chen & Haolin Ouyang



Cloud Symphony: Hanyang Gate Garden. Organized an 11-university symphony orchestra cloud performance – composition, audio mixing, and video editing. Media coverage Xinhua News Agency (新华社), People’s Daily (人民日报)