Delong Chen (陈德龙) is a PhD student at HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Pascale Fung. He received the B.Eng degree of computer science and technology in 2021 from Hohai University, where he was advised by Prof. Fan Liu. He is working on multimodal (vision-language) learning.
He recived Best Demo award at IEEE ICME'21, Best Dataset Paper at LTDL@IJCAI'21, Best Paper in AAAI'23 Inaugural Summer Symposium Series, and First Class Outstanding Thesis of Jiangsu Province.
He served as a reviewer for NeurIPS'24, ACL ARR (ACL'24, EMNLP'24), ACM Multimedia'23/24, ACM TIST, IEEE TITS, Artificial Intelligence Review, etc, and volunteered at AAAI-24 and ACL'24.
* Joint First Authors / Equal Contribution
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Delong is passionate about music!
He was awarded a violin performance diploma from the
Central Conservatory of Music
He served as the leader of the Hohai University Symphony Orchestra (河海大学管弦乐团) during 2019-2020.
He is also at
with 20k+ followers.
Remixed violin concerto of “Dare You Kill My Horse”. 400k views on Bilibili.
Cloud Symphony: Hanyang Gate Garden. Organized an 11-university symphony orchestra cloud performance – composition, audio mixing, and video editing. Media coverage Xinhua News Agency (新华社), People’s Daily (人民日报)